Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Professor Henry, Clairvoyant: In The News On November 24, 1886

I found this one entirely by accident, while scanning advertisements in the Dallas Daily Herald. At first I thought it very novel that people in 1886 took phrenology and clairvoyance seriously enough to keep dear Professor Henry in business, but after a few minutes I remembered that there are still people today who consult psychics. So, I suppose the take-home message here is actually how little things have changed since 1886, if clairvoyance was then and is still a viable career path.

Dallas Daily Herald, November 24, 1886

As it turns out,  clairvoyance and phrenology were quite  competitive industries. All of the following advertisements come from the same page of The Evening Statesman, a paper based in Walla Walla, Washington. They were printed in November of 1903.


 I particularly enjoyed Mme. Kent's "Others are making from $10 to $15 a day, why not you." If the amounts were adjusted somewhat, that could easily be the title of an internet ad today.

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